segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Pensamento do dia

When you put yourself in the first place, you don't allow others to put you in the second one!

**Quando voce se coloca em primeiro lugar, nao permite aos outros coloca-lo em segundo.

domingo, 21 de março de 2010


Who am I talking about?
She can read your smile without seeing your face.
She can read your mind before you speak a single word.
She'll criticize you and she won't have any fear of that. She knows you. And you won't be upset about it.
She will count on you, and you'll count on her - any day, any time. She will be there and by your side.
She will make you smile and make you laugh about simple things in life.
She will show you the meaning of nights awake talking about the past.
She knows the worst things you had in life - and the best too.
She will call you just to say how important you are, and how lazy you can be.
She understands you, because her heart came from the same place where your heart came from too.
She is your sister.
She is my sister.

Pensamento do dia

O caminho e longo. Quem nao tem sua propria bussola, se perde nele.

It could be a song - for you

You might think it's selfishness, but I would like to have you with me right now. I can't promise you'll be the one, I'm sorry, but I'm telling you're the one right now. You might feel I'm trying to use you, but I tell you: stay longer as you want, as much as you want. Just be you, and stay with me. You can stay as long as you want.
It's dark outside, and I can't see you anywhere. No clue, no call, I really miss you. When I'm with you, you make me laugh. You make me comfortable in your arms. Once, you made me yours.
I can't promise I'll be yours forever, but you can try, and I'll be ready to stay with you as long as you want. As long as you want and as much as you want.

segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010

E eu estava na sua frente e voce nao viu.

Voce tocou a musica, voce tocou minha musica, voce tocou minha alma depois de ter tocado meu corpo. Voce tocou uma parte em mim que jamais havia sido tocada antes. Voce me fez chorar e eu nao derramei nenhuma lagrima. Voce me tocou. E como me tocou. Naquele momento eu estava nua, sem nenhuma das minhas armaduras, sem nenhuma das minhas mascaras ou vestes. E voce me tocou, mas nao me viu...


Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Annandale, VA, United States